Hello there! and welcOme

Ghiya Rushidat - Rouhani

6 May 2014

+19 months ...

Blogging! A post, an actual one.. mosh momkin
I miss writing/venting.. I do. But it is getting harder & harder to steal some time.
U guys are lazy too by the way, not all of you but the majority
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, this is a quick post about our/my life in glasgow  
-I still can`t find a proper tag for posts written here, I am just calling them "glasgow  "-I am in my office right now, which is getting way too familiar and I am not liking this feeling AT ALL! I am too tired, really I am but all in all, happy! I passed my annual review 2 weeks ago, we don`t have exams or anything but we need to make a presentation for a panel of professors and they "judge" our progress. 90% of the time -across all schools and specialties- students pass this stage unless MAJOR concern is noticed "no one wants to lose a paying student I guess.. haha" but here I am, passing my second review to date. Imagine 4-5 professors listening to me for 15 minutes blabbering away and wishing I just shut up.. "ok, ok.. u pass.. please spare us your non-sense already" :D
I am too lazy to translate this post in Arabic as I don`t have an access to Arabic keyboard and juggling between windows is so ever irritating especially with low-quality tools that hand an virtual Arabic keyboard, so apologies
I have been allocated this office for a little over 19 months ago, I -as usual- documented the date when I first MET my office, when our brand new desks/PCs/file cabinet arrived and we were ready to go!
My officemate is from Mexico, his Mom from Sweden and he is 70% away! He has a part time job in the US and his research context is conducted there as well, so I am pretty much alone!
Anyone fancies a desk with unlimited internet and printing facilities, contact me plz :D
I would say I have been working really hard, ma 7ada by7ky 3an zaito 3iker! It was easier when we had our first flat, I was literally 3 minutes away from office! Now it is more like 15 minutes -12 if you want to be exact but with rain it takes 15 and it is ALWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS always raining- :( but who is complaining
Alaa2 , hiyam, and Anas are enjoying, adapting better than me for sure . I am trying my very best to be around but this PhD is really demanding thing, it is true it depends on your level of attachment/ownership, i.e. u can take it easy and plainly go with the flow, but all in all u need to focus and work hard. u need to -actually- research!
depends on yr supervisor(s) too of course, and I have two. Both are of the sorts that u can call: smart, demanding, open to ideas, and above all -for me at least- modest!
- zay 3inna b jam3atna bel zab6!-
For all of these 19 months, I have been one of 3 last "windows" remaining lit , even during weekends & public holidays. Our "our!!" building HOSTS over 200 PhD students, each office has 2 students. We have admin and some Professors too but they all leave by 5 PM :P
whenever I leave my office "again MY" I used to have a quick count of how many windows are still "warm and vivid" :) I can say that over 80 or even 85 % of the times I counted I was one of those last 3! Not something to be proud of I`d hasten to add., probably more like a lack of time-management skills :O)
Few weeks ago I went to level 8 -ya3ni 8th floor but that`s how Scots say it- :D - to see if I might manage to meet one of these other 2 life-spirit-lacking persons "who knows, it might be a she!" haha I went there and to my surprise I found that the room is actually a photo-copying room! I thought we had only one such room in the building but apparently no! )later on I figured out that we have 3 rooms not just the one I used to use) so there you have it, I am one of 2 miserable PhD students who stay late all night long for weeks and weeks and weeks ,,, and more weeks!
I need to get a life, I know
I still need to "meet" the other "window" - I am certain s/he is not a room because the third copying room is on a different floor/level
I think I need to enjoy this PhD path/road/journey/experience a little more, stop being fixated on the "studying/researching" aspect of it. But I am not sure I will be able to
I simply want to finish as fast as possible! EVERYONE tells me I am going to miss these days and should make the best of it but I don`t know, I just tick differently on this issue
Maybe I am wrong, usually I am! But I am stubborn too
I want to give more time to the family , to activities of Scotland as international students call it but I do not know where/how to start. I am not afraid of falling in love with the city/environment, that I am sure of, I am kind of eager to come home, home and start DOING something. Straightforward and just that! I don`t know
I wanted to upload some pictures but I still do not own a camera-enabled phone and the camera is being occupied by Anas, he broke the lid already and deleted a lot of pics!
But just to give u a glimpse of taste,, the office is very small even for one person so imagine too! we have a kittle and a small coffee, I mean TEA , TABE, 2 desks, ma3 mostalzamathom :P, 1 file cabinet, 1 white board -who I, the semi-great I asked for and solely use- we have book shelves as well.
the photo copying room has 2 printers, one veeeeeeeery huge and high-tech and one .. ordinary functioning printer
we have a fax machine "what is THAT!?" a shredder and a water-cooler, a small fridge  -where people steal food from other people!" u know, life-as-usual
I know I am going to miss all of this, the great academic atmosphere , the unlimited access to journals and books, unlimited printing! -I remember how my Professors had to print their own extra material for the classes, from their own money!- but still, and with everything that is going on at our part of the world, I want to finish this thing and head back HME. Will I regret this mentality, I hope not :D
 * my office is at level 3 btw in case u find yourself near Glasgow university
** I guess u know why I passed my review, I talk A LOT
*** please don`t point out to my typos + poor writing skills, my supervisor is doing one heck of a job on this account
Astawde3okom Allah


  1. يلا معلم شد حيلاك و ارجعلنا دكتور (=

    1. Thank you Haitham :)
      I am trying ,, I am TRYING!

  2. و مش اي بوست كمان
    بوست طوييييييييل :D

    هانت هانت ما ضل كتير و ان شاء الله بتمر على خير:D
    و انا كمان بحكيلك استمتع بهالايام
    ايام الدراسة جد غير عن الشغل


    1. this is considered somewhat in the middle actually, just wait until I finish this semester and see the real LONG posts :P

      thank you Lioness

  3. ما في كبسة لايك؟ :) مبروووووووووووووك!!! انت من الناس اللي بأجلوا أوقات الاستمتاع إلى أن ينتهوا من أوقات الجد.. pleasure delayer

    بعرفش إذا هذا المصطلح موجود بس أتوقع فيه ناس كتير هيك ويمكن عشان هيك مش قادر تنبسط لحد ما تخلص من المهمة الجدية اللي جيت عشانها :) فدييييير بالك تخلص من هون وتسافر بعديها وما تلحق تشوف البلد

    بالتوفيق!! واحكيلنا مين طلع الحزين الآخر في الطابق الثامن

    1. no facebook jargons/buttons allowed on this platform ..


      Thanks Aseel, I am delaying it as it seems, that`s fine. It paves well with my persona :P

      I`ll have ALL the time to celebrate back home

      I will update on the other miserable guy -again, it might be a she- :P

  4. اللي فهمته من البوست

    انا بحكي كتير....انا بنجحوني بدون دراسه....ما في علامات فما تسألوني عن علاماتي....انا بحكي كتير... انا مبسوط بس بدي اقنع حالي اني مش مبسوط...يا رب تطلع وحده اللي بالطابق الثامن ياااا رب...انا عنيد...انا ما بعرف اكتب وعندي اخطاء بالاملاء فانسو فرصه انكم تمسكوها علي...وبس

    نيجي للجد :)

    وانا بدبي كنت كتير مبسوطه و كنت احس البيت اللي ساكنه فيه هو بيتي و كنت احبه و اكره انام عند واحد من اخواني....لكن ما قدرت اعترف بهالشعور الا بعد فتره لاني كنت حاسة بالذنب, حاسة اني بخون اهلي اذا انبسطت و بخون بيتنا بالاردن اذا حبيت هداك البيت او سميته بيتي

    انبسط و استمتع صديقي (اللدود طبعا)...هاي كلها ذكريات ايام جميله راح تسترجعها بس ترجع عالاردن ان شاء الله
    تأسيس الاولاد بالمدارس, اتقان اللغه الانجليزيه عقدتنا الابديه في بلادنا العربيه استفيد و انبسط و استمتع و تعال بركي كنت من الدكاتره المبتسمين المتفائلين, اللي بيعطو من كل قلبهم بدون ما يكون عندهم عقد و خوف من ان الطالب يكون احسن منهم, من الدكاتره اللي بحببو الطلاب بالعلم و الدراسة

    ملاحظه ع الهامش
    صديقي هيثم سيلاوي... you've been missed my friend :)

    1. fhmik kefayeah Wallah!
      wisdom plays integral part as it seems, bravo
      lissa ma 3refna etha shab aw benet! o ymken bntain in the same office, who knows!

      3alamat = ma feeh mawad mshan al 3alamat,, kollo sawaleef Allah wakeelik,, o hayha zab6a la hassa!

      e7ky ktheer,, bmashook

      I agree on what u said, I need to "allow" myself to enjoy the "moment" and stop focusing that much and/or only on the negatives + what will happen AFTER we come back ensha Allah ..
      I am trying to do so, :) not just in words but in actions
      *I am going to start by meeting new people, cough cough*

      Haitham has not been blogging as vividly as he did! :) If I am not mistaken his last blog post was at the beginning of this year! I hope he finds time to write more often

      I am glad to see him commenting here though, his first comment on my small space

  5. Congratulations! Any step forward in your PhD is good and should be celebrated.
    I like this update. You should write more often. Writing helps in many different levels.
    The sooner you finish your PhD the better. But this should also not stop you from spending time with your family. Family is number one priority.
    I know graduate students are in a very tight budget but visit places as much as you can. Not necessarily places you have to pay money but just to explore the city.
    Regarding what Aseel mentioned, yes there is a name for that it is called 'Delayed Gratification'
    So, Insha'Allah your hard work will pay off soon. Goodluck!

    1. Thank you Malik :)
      Family is # 1 indeed, it ought to be that or all other aspects would suffer if not fall!

      We do a lot of exploring but the weather is not exactly helping! But we go places whenever we can

      Thanks for the link, I particularly found interesting the part about gender differences!

      Insha Allah it will, for all the hard-workers out there :)

      Thanks for reading the comments as well

  6. مافي ترجمة أسفل الشاشة؟؟

    مافي " المختصر المفيد " للأعلاه شي؟؟

    1. راجعي تعليقي اعلاه ...فيه المختصر المفيد :)

    2. fikrik tarjameh mn sheeshany kanat 7atkoon a7san - aw 7atta agal malalan!


      ahlan b um l 3omar

    3. whisper = da2iman sabbagah lal 5air, da2iman!

    4. وسبر

      يا بي ما أبعد الكومااااااااااااااااااانتس بتعاك
      أعمليله كوبي بيست هون هههههههههههههههههههه

      شيشاني,, الويلكم والفرحه إلنا يا كبير :)

  7. طيب قريت جز من الكلام وفهمت العام بس فيك علي الاقل تكبر الخط شويتين مادام كاتب انجليزي وانجليزي عربي وكده
    علي العموم بتمني ليك التوفيق في الحياه العمليه واكتشاف اشياء جديده من حول النصيحه اتحرك شويه في محيطك وطلع الاسره علي غير مدن حولك
    كن بخير
