While walking Hiyam to school this morning (just about 10 minutes ago) - schools start at 9 AM here :dream:
Hiyam: is it Sunday dad?
me: no, it`s not. It`s Wednesday.
Hiyam: r u sure!
me: yes, super sure. u wanted it to be Sunday?
Hiyam: no, it`s not me who wanted.
me: what do u mean?
Hiyam: there is sun today! It should be Sunday, right?
me: well, it is not honey. I thought u said so because u wanted it to
be a holiday.
Hiyam: hmmm, I am sleepy, I didn`t sleep early and mum was cross
but I like school and don`t want it to be weekend just yet
short pause.
Hiyam: why is it Wednesday today! There is no wind.
me: it doesn`t work out that way 7beebty, days of the week have
such names for a long time and ... and.. that`s it! :)
Hiyam: in English there is Sunday, and in Wednesday there should
be wind,, it rhymes with it but we have no wind, that`s why
I`m not wearing gloves, right dad?
me: thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat`s right :phew:
Hiyam: I don`t understand, rhyming is nice, we always sing in
primary 1 :grumpy face:
صارلنا فترة بنعلمها أيام الأسبوع و شو يعني عطلة بالضبط و ليش الجمعة مو عطلة هون و .. الخ
شكلها مفكرة بالشغلة كثير و مش عاجبها وضع التسميات
جيل خطير! الله يعين الكرة الأرضية بس :]
* They use the word cross to mean (angry) here, I never knew that! :)
* the sun is not really sun! If u know what I mean :(
cooooooooooooooooooooooooold is the word these days/weeks
I hate it!